A live blog of your snow coverage across Mid- Missouri:
Approximately 6 inches of snow managed to cancel classes at the University of Missouri today.
The university announced the close at five this morning, marking the first time this school year classes have been canceled.
A powerful winter storm in February of last year led to two days of canceled classes, with a similar amount of snow accumulation reported on the first day.
In all, the University has canceled classes nine days in the last four years.
The snow also led the Missouri senate to cancel its session scheduled for today, and the house canceled all committee hearings for today as well.
The Columbia Police Department reported some 12 accidents happened between 4 P.M. Sunday and 9 A.M. Monday.
MoDOT maps this afternoon showed both I-70 and Highway 63 as being mostly clear, although some county roads, including stretches of Route K and route WW were listed as partly covered.
Stewart Road, plowed but still slick. @Kbia pic.twitter.com/s02hhCfDo3
— Jenn Cooper (@JennCooper24) February 16, 2015
Columbia roads downtown seem well plowed.
A snowed view of Ripley Street. No plow priority here. Via @krishusted pic.twitter.com/uZJuENTeN5
— KBIA (@KBIA) February 16, 2015
Columbia Public Works - Snow response - 6:00 am on Monday, February 16 COLUMBIA, MO (February 16, 2015) - Snow fell at about 3/4 inch an hour from 8 pm Sunday to 3 or 4 am Monday. Snow has lightened up and crews are now making better progress on priority routes. Light snow with an additional .5 to 1.5 inches is forecast with snow ending by mid-morning. Crews will remain on the 200 miles of priority routes until they are completed. No Parking on priority routes is in effect. Priority routes are still snow covered. Secondary roads are snow covered. Columbia Regional Airport is open. Flights may be delayed this morning with the final decision up to the flight crews. COMOConnect (Transit) will not begin operations until 10 am this morning. Para-Transit services are suspended today. At this time, refuse and recycling collections will occur as scheduled. Most if not all public and private schools, including MU have cancelled classes today. Lower traffic volume will likely help crews make good progress on priority routes this morning. We will issue an update when we begin working secondary (residential) streets. If you are driving this morning, please slow down, allow extra time, and Buckle-Up.