Two Democratic candidates celebrated their victory to the Missouri State House of Representatives at Shakespeare’s South in Columbia Tuesday night.
Stephen Webber and John Wright were elected to represent the 46th and 47th districts, respectively. The real suspense was with John Wright, who won with just over five hundred votes. He says he has a clear vision of what he wants to do in Jefferson City.
“I’m very excited to work on education issues and on economic policy. I think the two are inextricably married together,” Wright said.
Wright says expanding childhood education programs is essential. He says he is confident legislators will work well together on these issues in the next session.
Meanwhile, the crowd at the Republican headquarters in Columbia was strikingly similar to 46th district candidate Fred Berry: calm and relaxed. With people shuffling in and out constantly, there were always about 20 people hovered around the one flat screen TV greeting Berry.
Berry said he knew it was an uphill battle from the start.
“If I win this thing I’ll be on the inside kicking out," Berry said. "If I lose I’ll be on the outside kicking in.”
He wouldn’t give up fighting for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
“Fred Berry won’t be going away," Berry said.