The Missouri Department of Revenue is looking for a new Director.
Brian Long resigned Monday after weeks of controversy surrounding the scanning of documents for driver’s license and conceal-carry weapons applicants. The pressure increased last week when it was discovered that the agency compiled the entire list of the state’s 163-thousand CCW holders for the Missouri Highway Patrol.
The Patrol then provided it to the Social Security Administration for an investigation it was conducting.
“Simply throwing the Director under the bus isn’t going to be a fix for the policy problems that raised all this in the first place." said Republican Kurt Schaefer of Columbia. He chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee which has been examining the Department of Revenue's actions. "It doesn’t change the policy, it still doesn’t answer the questions that are still out there on why this happened in the first place.”
Long had only been on the job for about three months. He earlier defended the DOR’s policy, saying the scanning of documents was necessary to combat fraud, and that no one’s information was being given to the federal government.