Mondays 5:20pm, Wednesdays at 8:21am
Education issues in mid-Missouri.
A blonde teenager balanced a stack of papers in his hand as he spoke with his Honors Humanities professor. He had something to announce to the class.His…
To read more about High School 2.0, visit our media partner the Columbia Missourian.COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTHost: Welcome to Exam on KBIA where we talk all…
MU senior Daniel Serres and junior Vanessa Ramírez walked into a room with 15 other student entrepreneurs. Each team had their own business idea and vied…
Shaashawn Dial has worn a lot of hats. She’s a poet. A former host of an R&B radio station. A former head of equity and affirmative action in a state…
The Study Plan Coordinator (SPC) Program started at MU 11 years ago when founder and organizer Yve Solbrekken found her workload was getting too heavy.…
Complete Transcript: Host Introduction: Welcome to Exam on KBIA, where we talk all about education and academic issues all across Missouri. I'm Kassidy…
The #metoo movement shed light on people in power taking advantage of those working for them, but in many homes across mid-Missouri, the power imbalance…
Dr. James Wells, professor of Classics at DePauw University in Indiana visited the MU campus to talk about the importance of translation in modern…
Thrive Coffee and Creamery has the aesthetic of any Instagram-able business on the outside: tiffany blue adornments, flowers on the counter, homemade ice…
Kristin Bowen is the leader of Columbia’s local Moms Demand Action group. Moms Demand Action is a locally-funded group that focuses on gun safety with…